Wednesday, December 8, 2010

assignment 8

   Success Is The Key 

        Every fall thousands and thousands of young adults head off to university to gain the skills they will need later in life. How do these young adults gain these skills? By copying peoples' answers, stealing tests, and texting each other the answers. This is definitely how their parents want their hard earned money to be spent.   Why do we go to university anyway?  To learn. We go so that one day when we have a job interview we sound like we actually know what we are talking about. But those four years and thousands of dollars, have they actually taught us anything?  Sure.  We can probably write a decent paper, but did you really learn what you needed to so you can succeed in life?  University is a time to be adventurous and explore. So who has time to actually do their homework and study for exams? No one. We want to have the full university experience, including the parties, drunken nights, and the romances. We don't have our parents or our teachers around to tell us what to do and when to do it. So why should we study, when we can wait until the last minute and get the answers from someone who already did the work.  Drink up boys and girls were on the highway to success!


Sunday, November 28, 2010

assignment 7

Lyrics to If It Means A Lot To You :
Hey darling, I hope you're good tonight
And I know you don't feel right when I'm leaving
Yeah, I want it but no, I don't need it
Tell me something sweet to get me by
'Cause I can't come back home 'til they're singin'

La, la la la, la la la
'Til everyone is singin'

If you can wait 'til I get home
Then I swear to you that we can make this last
(La la la)
If you can wait 'til I get home
Then I swear come tomorrow, this will all be in our past
It might be for the best

Hey sweetie, I need you here tonight
And I know that you don't wanna be leaving
Yeah, you want it but I can't help it
I just feel complete when you're by my side
But I know you can't come home 'til they're singin'

La, la la la, la la la
'Til everyone is singin'
La, la la la, la la la

If you can wait 'til I get home
Then I swear to you that we can make this last
(La la la)
If you can wait 'til I get home
Then I swear come tomorrow, this will all be in our past
It might be for the best

You know you can't give me what I need
And even though you mean so much to me
I can wait through everything
Is this really happening?
I swear I'll never be happy again
And don't you dare say we can just be friends
I'm not some boy that you can sway
We knew it'd happen eventually

La, la la la, la la la
Now everybody's singin'
La, la la la, la la la
Now everybody's singin'
(If you can wait 'til I get home)
La, la la la, la la la
Now everybody's singin'
(Then I swear we can make this last)
La, la la la, la la la
Now everybody's singin'

If you can wait 'til I get home
Then I swear we can make this last

     Have you ever been in this situation?  Its brutal right?  "If it Means A lot to you" by A Day To Remember is a song with a plot about a couple.  Once again the man has to leave home for a tour, but most importantly he has to leave his love behind.  After he's gone for a while she can't stand being alone all the time and breaks up with him.  This song also has many poetic devices.  Of course this "poem" is a lyric poem.  It expresses the feelings that this man has for his girlfriend.  If she can just wait till he gets home than they can get through anything.  In the seventh stanza "I swear ill never be happy again" is a hyperbole. Eventually you get over a broken heart in most cases, but he makes it an extreme exaggeration.  Throughout the poem 'La, la la la, la la la is repeated. This an example of the poetic device onomatopoeia.  Onomatopoeia is a word that imitates a sound.  It is also used as parallelism.  "Cause I can't come back home 'til they're singin" symbolizes the couple being back together again.  At first I was a little confused about what "til they're singin" meant, but I figured out that it meant that once he'd been to all the cities and pleased all his fans they'd be singing his songs and then he could come home to his girlfriend.  In a nut shell the theme of this poem is choosing what/who the most important thing/ people are to you personally.  In this case the singer picked his music as a priority to his girl.  Weather he regretted his decision after no one knows.  

Assignmet 6

An Old Friend

     Another trickle of sweat rolled down my neck.  It was, yet again, another blistering day in Moosehorn, Manitoba.  It was Bright and early Saturday morning ,but still it was hot.  The sun was burning like a ball of fluorescent fire and the rays were cancerous reflecting off the earths surface.  I turned my face from the sun in hope to shade the smoldering heat.  As I approached the rotting stairs that lead to the vacant market an unfamiliar face appeared.  I could not help but look into the weathered blue eyes of a petite old man.  You could tell that he'd seen it all; The ins and outs of the world.  The once eyebrows on his forehead had withered to nothing and disappeared into the folds of skin surrounding his eyes.  His wrinkles were deep and aged.  They folded like mountain ranges.  He was sitting on an old rustic barrel with a rather large cigar in his mouth.  I continued to walk closer to him.  The closer I got the stronger the scent of smoke was.  I could also smell a hint of peppermint.  The smell made me smile.  My own grandfather had smelled identical to the aroma in the air.  I craved the scent since age eight.  That was unfortunately the last time I'd seen my "Pa."  I didn't even know if he was alive.  I was surprised when his hand waved me to his spot.  He pointed to the barrel beside him with his free hand.  His hands were purple with veins and his nails were dirty like a farmers after a straining day of work.  "My darlin you've turned into a beautiful lady," he announced, "but I guess its been 16 years after all."  I looked up and stared deep into the mans face.  "Pa?" I whispered.            

Friday, November 5, 2010

Assignment 5

Anything but Tame

     The name is Hanna Lindores and that is truly all I need to explain.  The name is Hanna Lindores and my life is a game.  The name is Hanna Lindores and I will put you to shame.  The name is Hanna Lindores and you life compared to mine is lame.  The name is Hanna Lindores and I am anything but tame.

     I've seen the seven wonders of the world.  Slapped the bottom of my hiking shoes on the highest peak of mount Everest.  Witnessed the horrors of murder. Yes the murders.  I have built a space ship in my youth and sent it to a parallel universe.  My breaths are slow and deep as I have masted the practice of yogi.  Did I mention I played in a NHL game and just happened to score a hat trick.  These are just merly a few of my accomplishments.

     On Sundays I condition myself by completing an Ultra Man in a measly five hours.  On Monday I hike the Himalayas.  On Tuesdays I visit with the Pope.  On Wednesdays I donate five million dollars to charities.  On Thursdays I go to Tofino to clean oil from the ocean.  On Fridays I relax.  Finally on Saturdays I travel to the moon to check up on my data.

     Accept me and you will never think twice.  Accept me and I will make the institution proud.  Accept me and I will motivate the entire student body.  Accept me and I will obey every command.

     Deny me and that will be the last thing you do.......

          Hanna Lindores



Thursday, November 4, 2010

asignment 2

Happily Ever After

     "Your as strong as an ox aren't ya girl?" pronounced George.  He was almost done with the horses when he heard the soft sounds of piercing heels prance into the dirty barn.  There was only one lady that would wear heels on the ranch.  Oh no thought George.  George turned slowly with suspense  and tried his best to refrain from acknowledging Curley's wife.  She continued to strut into the barn promiscuously.  He could not control his emotions.  He found himself looking upon her.  Her beautiful piercing blue eyes searched him.  They stared right into the apple of his eye.  For a peculiar reason this action did not make George uncomfortable.  He had tried for so long to lock his feeling away like a murder in jail, but this was it.  He had so may things to say to the love of his life.  Their attraction for each other was so obvious.  Because of Curley however they would never be together.  It was like a tragic  love story.  George looked at her she was so put togetherJust as cute as a button.  

     "What do you want," said George in a hasty voice.  Curley's wife didn't even seem to notice his tone.  She merly cracked a smile.  Her teeth were as white as snow.  Off in the distance George could hear the other workers discussing some sort of a dilemma for today's work.  Someone, maybe Lennie, said, "we can just blame it on the rain.  It was raining cats and dogs outside for the third day in a row.  It was getting to be late fall and the bad weather was just beginning.     He caught a glimpse of the sun  just peeking though the rain and it was officially the crack of dawn.  his eyes shifted back to Curleys wife. 

     "George," she said, "I'm not even going to beat around the bush.  I know you love me.  So why don't we just get out of dodge?"  

     "Darlin i know you think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, but we cant just get up and leave.  Beside Curley would kill me!" remarked George. 

     "But please George," pleaded Curleys wife" you are my heaven on earth and i couldn't bear to live without you."  With those words George made an impulse  decisions and Curley's wife and George ran off into the distance together and lived happily ever after.           

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

assignment 3

The Tear

"Sometimes I think it must be hard being an actor and then I see a movie like this," Robert said, ruefully shaking his head. As Ashley reach over to grab the television remote the bed creaked beneath her butt and the blankets crumpled. 
She laughed and breathlessly commented, “It wasn’t exactly Academy Award material, you know.  That makes a difference.”
‘Come on, Ashley, anybody could have played that role, even me.  He was just a plain ordinary guy, doing plain ordinary things in a plane ordinary way.  You call that acting?” he said derisively.
“You just wish you could make out with that not-so-plain-and-ordinary sweet young thing, whatever her name was,” she retorted gleefully.  “I know kissing doesn’t take much acting skill if you like your partner.”
‘She was good.  She had a much tougher job with her role.  She had to cry and all that.  She had lots to do.  They guy was.... just there,” he insisted as he reach over to his oak night table to pick up this mornings paper.
“Oh please!  Crying is nothing.  Any girl should be able to cry at the drop of a hat.  I can,” she told him smugly.
He cast a skeptical glance at her and laughed.  “Sure you can Ashley.”
“You doubting me, Robert?” she said smiling playfully up at him.
“No, I’m sure you can do it when you’re PMS-ing.  Kidding, kidding, just kidding!” he said quickly before she could smack him.  Ashley rolled over on her side and Robert saw her lip tremble and her eyes flood with tears.
“Ashley, what’s wrong?” he asked apprehensively.
He sat there in stunned silence as big fat teardrops ran down her cheeks, her nose turned red and she started sobbing, as if she just lost her mother.  “Ashley!” Hey, I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean it.    I’m sorry.  Don’t cry.  Please, don’t cry, Ashley!” he shouted anxiously.  He tentatively put his arms around her and patted her back soothingly.  He never did quite know what to do when girls cried.
Just as quickly as she started she stopped and looked up at him with a triumphant grin.  “Now do you believe me?” she said as she pulled out of his arms and grabbed a tissue from the bathroom.  She wiped at her eyes then blew her nose while he stared at her with his mouth hanging open.

Monday, November 1, 2010

assignment 4

Premiering on the Big Screen

     Twice as tall and five times as wide as an average man, a full head of dark brown frizzy hair with a beard to match, a tomato nose, and a pair of beady eyes.  I trust we can all assume who I am discussing.  It's Rubeus Hagrid, played by Robbie Coltrane, from the series of “Harry Potter.”  The majority of Harry Potter fans, including myself, would concur that Robbie Coltrane is an improved Hagrid compared to the actual character from the Harry Potter books.  Coltrane was able to take an otherwise tedious Harry Potter character and turn him into a lovable figure that everyone seems to enjoy.  When i first read the books of” Harry Potter,” by J.K. Rowling, Hagrid never struck me as a significant or appealing character.  He seemed as monotonous as any other inconsequential character except for the fact that he was half-giant. From the first time I laid eyes on Hagrid he intrigued me and instantaneously became one of my favorite characters.  Hagrid had this extreme disposition to him that captured my mind.  It was as though he contradicted himself.  At first you assume that he's this intense, intimidating, and angry creature, but then you begin to understand his capability to be calm, lovable, and a father like figure to all.  Coltrane was able to portray his character at the next level to contrast the real effects of Hagrids appearance verses his personality.  Like the way Hagrids angry appearance is totally opposite from his calm personality, how his appearance is intimidating but really his personality and emotions are of a young girl, and so forth.  Let’s just Say Hagrid is a complex character to figure out so he keeps you curious.  It is the traits that Robbie Coltrane is able to demonstrate that keeps your eyes on the film.  Get ready to see Hagrid on the big screen again!  “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” playing in theatres November 19, 2010.